
Péter Szijjártó's visit in Brussels - bilateral meetings, press

On 2 February, Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs had a bilateral meeting with Tinne Van der Straeten, Belgian Federal Minister for Energy. H.E. Ambassador Tamás Iván Kovács attended the meeting. During his visit to Brussels, the Minister gave an interview to VRT.
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Visit at Katoen Natie logistics company

On 29 January, representatives of the Belgian multinational logistics company Katoen Natie received H.E. Ambassador dr. Tamás Iván Kovács at the company's logistics headquarters in Antwerp. The meeting was attended by Ms Dorottya Bősze, Head of the Commercial Section and Mr Ari Epstein, Honorary Consul of Hungary in Flanders.

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Hungarian Day in Heffingen, Luxembourg

On 21 January, Szabolcs Nemes, Chargé d’Affaires attended the Hungarian Day organised by the Friends of Csókakő Association in Heffingen. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of ties between the twin cities.

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Wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day

On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a wreath-laying ceremony took place at the Kazerne Dossin Holocaust Memorial. On behalf of the Embassy of Hungary, H.E. Ambassador Tamás Iván and Honorary Consul of Hungary, Mr. Ari Epstein participated in the project “Every Name Matters” and read the name of one the holocaust victim.

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A Brüsszeli Magyar Ház újévi fogadása

Január 21-én került sor a hagyományos újévi fogadásra a Brüsszeli Magyar Ház és a Brüsszeli Magyar Nagykövetség szervezésében a belgiumi magyar közösség részvételével, melyen dr. Kovács Tamás Iván nagykövet úr mondott ünnepi beszédet.

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