Polish EU Presidency event for Ambassadors
At the invitation of his Polish colleague, Chargé d'Affaires Ms. Katarzyna Skórzyńska, Ambassador dr. Tamás Iván Kovács represented Hungary at the second EU Heads of Mission event organized by the Polish EU Presidency on 18 February. During the event, Prof. Alexander Mattelaer delivered a presentation on the Belgian perspectives of security, defense, and foreign policy.
Online conference on the experiencies of the Hungarian EU Presidency
On 14 February, H.E. Ambassador Tamás Iván Kovács gave a presentation on the achievements of the Hungarian EU Presidency with an emphasis on our Embassy’s activities and successful programs in Belgium and Luxembourg at an online conference entitled ’Lessons learned exchange 2024 Hungarian Presidency in the Council of the European Union’, organised by Clingendael Institute.
Ambassador's dinner with the President of the EESC and the Ambassador of Austria
On 6 February, H.E. Ambassador Tamás Iván Kovács hosted Oliver Röpke, President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), and H.E. Jürgen Meindl, Ambassador of Austria to Belgium, for an informal dinner discussion at his residence.
Rectors on the Belgian-Hungarian higher education relations
On 29 January, H.E. Ambassador Tamás Iván Kovács hosted an informal working dinner at his residence on Belgian-Hungarian higher education relations, inviting Professor Bruno van Pottelsberghe, the Rector of Corvinus University of Budapest, and Mr. Jan D'haene, the Director of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels.
New Year’s Reception of the Government of Flanders
At the invitation of H.E. Matthias Diependaele, Minister-President of Flanders, H.E. Ambassador Tamás Iván Kovács represented Hungary at the New Year’s Reception of the Government of Flanders in the Errerahuis. The event provided an excellent opportunity for the Ambassador to meet, beside the Minister-President of Flanders, Julie Bynens, Secretary General of the Flemish Chancellery and Foreign Office, and Piet Demunter, CEO of Flanders Investment and Trade.