Havas István atya látogatása a nagykövetségen
Szeptember 14-én dr. Kovács Tamás Iván nagykövet a Nagykövetségen fogadta Havas Istvánt, a brüsszeli magyar katolikus közösség lelkipásztorát, akivel a következő évi magyar közösségi programokról egyeztetett.
Minister János Bóka's visit in Brussels
During his first official visit, H.E. János Bóka, newly appointed Hungarian Minister for European Union Affairs, met with H.E. Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Belgium, discussing the upcoming Belgian and Hungarian EU presidencies. H.E. Ambassador Tamás Iván Kovács and Deputy Chief of Mission Adrienn Kézsmárki also attended the meeting.
János Bóka also visited the Embassy of Hungary in Brussels. He briefed our diplomat colleagues on the upcoming Hungarian EU Presidency plans, as well as on the close cooperation with Belgium, our partner in the EU Presidency trio
National Day of Belgium
On the occasion of the National Day of Belgium, the Embassy of Hungary in Brussels expresses its best wishes to the people of the Kingdom.

Summer festival of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
On 22 June, H.E. Ambassador Tamás Iván Kovács attended the summer festival of the German-speaking Community of Belgium, in the company of H.E. Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the Parliament.
Liszt Institute - concert and donating a portrait
On 1 June, Hungarian pianist József Balog joined the Belgian Flash Ensemble giving a classical music concert, as an homage to László Lajtha and his teacher, Béla Bartók. Preceding the concert at the Liszt Institute Brussels ׀ Liszt Intézet Brüsszel, Cultural Service of our Embassy, gallerist Pierre Goffin solemnly donated to the Embassy a portrait of Lyvia Salgo-Dengyel, painted in 1955 by her husband, Tibor Dengyel